
Offering cost-effective ways to reduce traffic congestion in Honolulu

Dr. Panos Prevedouros ran for mayor in 2008 and intends to do run again as soon as the mayor's job is open for an election.  His campaign website is: FixOahuNow.com  He blogs extensively about rail and other issues on Oahu.

FIX OAHU! (please link to http://fixoahu.blogspot.com/)

Dr. Panos Prevedouros, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Hawaii, is one of the most experienced traffic analysis experts in Hawaii.


One of Panos more important papers is his "Effective Traffic Relief for Oahu: HOT Expressway and Underpasses" and how deals with the distribution of traffic coming into town on the HOT lanes (Managed Lanes)

Dr. Prevedouros organized the 1st International Symposium on Freeway and Tollway Operations (ISFO), which provided a platform for 553 international transportation professionals, managers as well as politicians and other officials from 25 countries to present their views. This is his summary of the Symposium.

These are Dr. Prevedouros' Notes on Public Private Partnerships (PPP).

After a recent trip to Tampa, Dr. Prevedouros produced this short slide show to give you a graphic description of what the Tampa Expressway looks like both from riding on it and being underneath it.  

Dr. Prevedouros' work was described by the City during a Council hearing on BRT in 2003 as "simplistic." This is nonsense. You must read Dr. Prevedouros' rebuttal to that insult. (Letter to Cheryl Soon, then Director of DTS.)

For Panos' thoughts on traffic congestion generally, read his  "Thoughts and Facts on Traffic Congestion and Fixed Mass Transit."

And Panos' thoughts for the new Administration, "A Sample of Traffic Outcomes of the Harris Administration and Suggestions for the New Mayor."

Dr. Prevedouros, UH Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, spent part of last year working in Athens on a new tollway. The new traffic situation there includes light rail, advanced traffic signal controls, and a suburban railway. Learn how what he learned applies to Honolulu. READ MORE  We thought our readers might like to see another side of the learned Professor who has been so helpful to us all in explaining the technicalities of traffic engineering. VIEW MOVIE